Saturday 5 November 2016

J'Quz, The Heat Eaters

J'Quz, The Heat Eaters; Progeny of the Creator of half-beautied life: 
Sometimes even failures must be remembered. So when Ceto worked on her ninth type of demon, she made something to memorialize the fall of Iakiju into J'Qeju - the J'Quz. This look like little white crabs with Malfean brass for innards, and are general found in great hordes, sucking up all the heat in the nearby area, freezing whole streets by themselves. Some smart demons and citizens of Itzpapalotl keep them in large boxes to act as what Earthlings would call an ice box or a fridge.

J'Quz live to eat heat, there is nothing else in existence that really interests them, even if they pick up on random trivia and arcane secrets over time. As such, they tend to gather around the forges of Hell and the Endless Desert, and in the latter they form great hordes, devouring scattered particles of thermalized essence to continue their existence. In the Demon City the Heat Eaters are seen as vermin, regularly attacked and killed like rats or cockroaches. And while their goals are limited by demon standards, the J'Quz are actually smarter than most other First Circle Demons that tend to underestimate their apathetic attitude for actually stupidity on the part of the Heat Eaters. For example, they know that if you break the shell on one of the Heat Eaters, it will rapidly regenerate by secreting a white slime which seals up the crack, with any excess curling up into small spheres and becoming more of the J'Quz.

The J'Quz enter Creation whenever a person freezes to death within a short distance of fresh ash and cinders. When summoned, they are most useful at stopping fires and keeping things cool, but their lack of care means that intellectual pursuits are not the best reasons to summon them. The Heat Eaters have only three intimacies: J'Qeju (Why doesn't he love us! We're his mascots!), Eating heat (Duty and Hobby) and the Survival of their kind (Let us all live to eat).

Associated Yozi:

Associated 3rd Circle:

Associated 2nd Circle:

Rogehpleb, The Stealing Shadows

Rogehpleb, The Stealing Shadows; Progeny of the Creator of half-beautied life:
 In the little dark corners of Malfeas, one can sometime see what seem to be a pair of red eyes. While many dismiss this as a facet of Hell's oddities,  a clever mind realises that such thoughts seem to come from an outside source. That would be the Rogehpleb in the corner, the Stealing Shadows.

While not widely known, the Rogehpleb do not try to hide their existence, only their presence. They are very honest creatures, it's just that if they choose to keep a secret, they will do so. The greatest secret they keep is their duty - to steal inspiration from other demons and bring it back to Ceto. However, this is not useful to Ceto most of the time as most demons are unimaginative, especially in ideas of making new monsters. As such, these demons rarely report back to their creator, but that doesn't mean they achieve nothing most of the time. Their secrecy, helped by literally being slithering shadows with red eyes, allows them to serve as excellent spies for other more powerful demons and occasional as strategic advisors for gangs, as they can get ideas for new crimes from rival groups.

The Rogehpleb enter Creation whenever a theft is committed on the night of a new moon, using the natural darkness to hide themselves for a time. They are mostly summoned as spies and saboteurs, as their ability to read minds and steal ideas is perfect for such work and their ability to keep secrets is incredible, almost to the power level of 2nd circle demons. However, they lack raw strength in their material form, so are not to useful for most physical actions in their line of duty; and finally, the Stealing Shadows are not very well known, so most sorcerers never even find out about their existence. The intimacies of the Rogehpleb include Ceto (Loyalty to a disappointed mistress), Shadows (Home sweet home),  Secrets (All mine), a negative one to the material form (embarrassed for weakness and uselessness), Minds (Good reading) and New Ideas (Wasted in the hands of others).

Associated Yozi:

Associated 3rd Circle:

Associated 2nd Circle:

Zak'kaqin'gim, The Chimeras Unknowable; Progeny of the Creator of half-beautied life:
  No-one suspects some random deaths in Malfeas are perfectly predictable, and even foretold by the victim. It was however hard to believe them as they keep quoting the same phrase in their mad, paranoid rambling - "Zak'kaqin'gim"; a phrase that has no meaning in any language, but the victims often claim it does. Some have tried to follow these ramblings for clues to such deaths, but this only leads to another predation. Survivors describe their attackers as having the outline of a strange mutant, but made up of the bodies of various animals, demons and peoples that look like they've all been packed in to fill their outline. Those who survive for too long or too often tend to fall into ever stranger and more dangerous incidents until they die. These include burning in invisible flames, being disintegrated bit by bit from poisoned wounds, brains melting out of ears and many other twisted ways; but all share one trait, cut marks on the target where the death seems to start from.

The Chimeras Unknowable are as such, largely unknown by the forces Hell, but all attempts to investigate lead only to vague suggestions that Ceto made them to hide her secret's and failures, this is mostly conjecture. No exact philosophy, cause or motivation has been found to drive their actions, and it seems they create conspiracies and cabals for unknown and forbidden reasons. It's unknown how more are made, but many demons seem to know the term Zak'kaqin'gim on day and forget about it the next, just before a spike in mysterious and unexplained events.

The Zak'kaqin'gim are completely unknown in Creation, so no sorcerer has summoned them, according to available intel. There is also no known way for them to enter Creation on their, even if their goals would take them there; although this is only according to what has been pieced together about them. Their intimacies are obviously unknown, but likely include Ceto, their own secrecy and their hidden goal or goals. That's of course, if they even have intimacies like other beings.

Associated Yozi:

Associated 3rd Circle:

Associated 2nd Circle:

Knout, The Flagellant Lemmings;

Knout, The Flagellant Lemmings; Progeny of the Demon prophet:
 Elymas was once told his religious activities were all a farce to control the mortal population. The Demon Prophet asked if the mortal would follow any cause to it's end, with the human replying that no spawn of the Yozi could do that. Taking it as a challenge, the 2nd Circle Demon created what looked like a lemming with four horns, tusks, saberteeth and nine whip like tails. With this new 1st circle, the old man's whole village was driven into a suicidal madness, forcing him to be driven off a cliff in the mob's rampage. Elymas was victorious, and the first Knout was unleashed upon the universe.

Knout now swarm across Malfeas, a scourge to all the multitudes of hell. They gather in great frenzied meetings, with their loud shouts and adulations driving other demons into the same twisted stated and helping the chorus build up and affect more civilians of Hell. After a point this just leads to everyone involved into a carnival of suicidal stunts - every form of 'entertainment' that is put on kills or tries to kill the participants, leaving whole areas of Malfeas desolate of life. The Knout often Survive such events, as they are tough little demons that seem to survive most that the world throws at them. Which is annoying for most demons who try to kill them on sight. Luckily the Knout are few in number and no-one knows how they come into existence. This lack of population growth is the only thing that keeps the Flagellant Lemmings from fulfilling the deepest desires for self-destruction.

Knout enter Creation whenever multiple people commit suicide together - these demons will try to encourage more death amongst mortals. They are rarely summoned, due to the Flagellant Lemmings being a fairly new species of demon, but if they bound, they are best used for crowd control or designing original execution methods. Their intimacies include Elymas (Guide and creator), Death (Entertaining), Self-destructive behaviour (Fun to watch, fun to do), Festivals (SHOW TIME!), Mobs (Home sweet Home), the preservation of their race (If we die, who'll lead the carnivals!) and pain (For the lols).

Associated Yozi:

Associated Third Circle:

Associated Second Circle:

Clothro, The Keys that Float between Worlds

Clothro, The Keys that Float between Worlds; Progeny of the Demon prophet: 
The Yozis want freedom, and as such doors that are locked must be opened. So Elymas created the Clothro to open lesser doors for the least of demons, to try and figure out some way for the Yozis to escape. These demons look like floating cubes with tentacles stretching out from each corner, a mouth for each edge and an eye on each side.  They fly around Malfeas, unlocking any lock they find, with their tentacles which each end in a different style of key. 

The Clothro serve across Malfeas as locksmiths and lock pickers, as their knowledge of all sorts of locking mechanisms is invaluable across the Demon City. What is strange is that they demand knowledge of Creation for payment, ignore essence, physical goods or local currencies. Wise demons know that making friends with the Clothro is a good idea, especially if the demon knows how they can enter Creation without being summoned. See, the Clothro are addicts to the pure air, the azure skies, rivers of water and nations of mortals that do not exist in Malfeas, and they'll try to share that experience with any demon they can. As such, the Keys the Float between Worlds will try and set up circumstances for other demons to escape hell.

Clothro enter Creation whenever one it's denizens fails to bring another type of demon in through it's innate manifestation method. They are mostly summoned to get passed complex lock systems or to teach about the various kinds of demons and their interests in Creation, however a summoner must be cautious, as the Clothro will try to bring more demons into Creation if not properly overseen. The Keys that Float between Worlds have intimacies towards Elymas (Guider in the path of demonology), Knowledge (is Power), Creation (So pretty, so nice -MUST HAVE MORE!),  the colour Azure (Like Creation's sky) negative one to the conditions in Malfeas (UnCreationlike), Keys and Locks (Toys, such wonderful toys), Freedom (What is needed) and other demons (kinship).

Associated Yozi:

Associated 3rd Circle:

Associated 2nd Circle:


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